April 6, 2020 @ 1:56 PM · Helen at the Helm

Hi Everyone

It has been another long time between posts, but this COVID 19 lockdown is giving me time to catch up on a lot of stuff. We are madly zooming along working on manuscript assessments, book and cover designs for four books, and the artwork for another children's picture book.

We have recently published up Edwin, Flamboyant Australian Pioneer, by Shirley Eldridge, and her previous true crime novel Mima as an e-book. Also released is The Ancient Manor of Strensham by Gordon Sawyer from the UK, and is available in paperback, hardback and e-book.   

Don't forget to also have a look at I'm Glad I'm Australian which we produced in Hardback as well as paperback (under the local title of Have You Ever ...), with a theme of the Australian outback.  I used the stressful time of the Coronavirus outbreak to play with the graphics as an extended demonstration for my workshop on Children's Picture Books for Non-Artists. This course shows how you don't have to be able to draw to self publish your own picture book. And Wallah! the more I played, the more I enjoyed it, and the more the idea formed to just keep going and complete it. Just how many books get out there from the mere glint of an idea.

Lockdown is a great time to write or to bring out those partly written stories and finish them. And if you have finished enough stories, why not compile them into a collection and get them out there for others to read. Come on, closet writers, try your hand at becoming published. There is a whole readership out there looking for good quality writing to enjoy while we are in lockdown.

And remember, Linellen Press is here to help you through the process.

Get your pens on paper and enjoy the journey.  Talk to you again soon, and definitely not so long apart as my last post.