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Meet Rob Britza


Rob Britza is an Australian writer of short stories. He has had two of his stories published in an anthology, which is in his local libraries, the WA State Library and the National Library of Australia.

Rob has written and had many articles with photos concerning local issues published in the Peel District of WA newspapers.

His first published writing was in the South Western Times, a Bunbury WA newspaper, when he was a junior member of the Bunbury Motorcycle Club. At thirteen years old, Rob was disappointed there was never any articles on his beloved “scrambles” sport, so he wrote his own.

The Dept of Parks and Wildlife WA use Rob’s photos in their publications and on signs in their National Parks where he and his wife Chris have spent many months as volunteer camp hosts.

Rob’s dry sense of humour shines through in his writings to keep his readers amused while successfully getting his point across.


Wild Thing - Escapades of a Bunbury Boy

Growing up in South Bunbury, Western Australia in the 50s and 60s wasn’t easy. The antics Rob, his siblings and friends inflicted on the neighbourhood and beyond was in those days just ‘boys being boys’, their imagination for entertaining themselves something they were lucky to survive, and Rob has the scars to prove it.

Rob’s journey from childhood to manhood opened his eyes to the good, bad and ugly in life,  and to the importance of family. Throughout it all, Rob’s passion or speed shone through, racing motorbikes and sidecars in his teen years featuring strongly in his life.

His story tells the truth, the whole truth – which may intrigue, inform or amuse – and is nothing but the truth. 

Available on Amazon and other good bookstores.



Elizabeth Stroud

What an absolute cracker of a read, just fantastic. 

Lucy Cotton

Holy hell. What a life! And you lived to tell the tale. Once I started reading, I had to finish it. It’s certainly compelling and heartfelt. 

Ian Monk

Astoundingly honest.

Gillian Peebles

What a special gift, I finished reading it last night.  Rob tells it as it was.  Details verbally set the pictorial settings of characters and places.  Took me back to my own childhood and memories of shopping trips to Bunbury.  A great read.  Well done and thank you for sharing. Highly recommended.. well worth the read, I have so enjoyed this book.  It sparked so many of my own memories of the period and locations. Again, Congratulations Britza 

Marilyn Ashton

 I finished your book and loved it. I was always saying to Carl “listen to what Britza says next.”

Kevin Woods

Great read, “nine lives Rob” 

Georgina Francis

Well, I’m a bit disappointed Robert, when I got your book I thought I’d just flip through a couple of pages....2hrs later I finished it!!! Well done, but I wished it had more pages and definitely more gossip, lol! A fun read though!

Elaine Capps

Holy Toledo. How you survived your childhood is nothing short of a miracle !!!! I soooooo loved reading your amazing story and visualizing your daredevil adventures..... even whilst enduring such a long stint of recuperation. I can’t wait for your next book you larrikin! Well written .... a big congratulations from me. 

Thea D’hart

Fully concur with the wonderful comments regarding your book Rob.  So glad you actually lived to tell the story!





20th September 2024