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Meet Lyn Bodycoat
Author of 'A Rough Road'


After teaching creative writing to high school students in different parts of Western Australia, I always wanted to do some story writing myself. When I retired from teaching, I had the opportunity  I had been waiting for and the necessary time it takes. I thought my grandparents, who were immigrants, had a good story to tell. It was fun doing the research too and I found myself totally immersed in the characters who had actually been real people. I was lucky enough to link in with The Society of Women's Writers WA which provided support and professional development necessary for good writing. The patron of the group and publisher, Helen Iles, has been a tremendous support and a fabulous help.  I learnt a lot!  I have now am applied my new skills to to my second book, called Moments at Marathon.

A Rough Road

This is a ghost memoir (where I assume the persona of my grandmother)  about migrants who struggled throughout the Depression and War years. Florence Brown and her husband Bill were victims of the Irish Troubles and had to flee to a new country. Amidst racial tensions, poverty and migrant issues, this book describes the rough road of this family through early times in Western Australia's history.


A Rough Road is available on Amazon and other good bookstores.



Moments at Marathon

Laurie Chappel came to Marathon Farm as a boy and returned from the second World War as a man. This is his story, as told by his daughter Lyn Bodycoat. Laurie was aged 97 when this book went to publication, his story capturing the era of pioneer farming in Western Australia during the 1930s.

It is also the story of a boy who takes on the challenges and responsibilities of life as he experiences the joys and disappointments through good times, through the Depression, and through times of war as he reaches manhood. Family, for Laurie, is never far from his thoughts.

Available on Amazon and other good bookstores


Review 1:

Lyn Bodycoat's book depicting the hardships and heartbreak endured by her maternal grandparents who recently emigrated from Ireland to start a new life in Western Australia in the 1920's  kept me engrossed and page scrolling until suddenly the last words - "A Rough Road". I wanted more! There must be a sequel!


Jane's Justice

Sometimes random conversations spark ideas for writing and this happened to me when I created Jane’s Justice. The beginning was easy but as the story progressed, I needed to ensure all red herrings served a purpose. But were they red herrings? I don’t think so. All characters and their actions served a purpose. According to our laws, Jane’s actions were unlawful and misguided, but she was a mother protecting her son. Don’t all mothers do that? Or is there a point where ethics intervene. In Jane’s Justice the line is blurred and not only by Jane. This is a suspenseful crime story where family members protect each other, often sliding close to raising questions on ethics. What is right is questioned as suspicion shifts between different characters.  No-one is immune from questions in Jane’s Justice.

Book Reviews

Beryl Marshall, Victoria:

‘Lyn, LOVED ‘Jane’s Justice’ and didn’t want to put the book down!! Congratulations, you have a real God-given talent.’

Shirley Eldridge, author,  Western Australia

I was interviewed in front of an audience for a podcast last year, and one of the questions asked was what I was looking for in a book. My answer was ‘A good story well told.’ Some of the authors I nominated at the time who fulfil this role were Bryce Courtney and Colleen McCullough. I later became aware they were both mature Australians and their words and settings more familiar.

So….’Jane’s Justice’ is a story well told. The author Lyn Bodycoat is Australian. Great combination. It all fits.

There’s just one warning: No, no spoiler, but this well-told tale gave me insomnia and the only way I could get to sleep was to read till after 11pm with bloodshot eyes!

Appeal: Generational…If you’re a parent with adult children -  if you’re a parent with parents still living – If you’re a parent who has lost one or both parents, you will relate to some of the situations.

It is a highly relatable intergenerational tale, laced with crime. Check it out……

Caryl Pass, Western Australia

‘Jane’s Justice’ had me hooked! It’s a great story and I loved the book.






20th September 2024